4-H is the youth development program of UConn Extension. As part of the University of Connecticut, 4-H has access to research-based, age-appropriate information needed to help youth reach their full potential. The mission of 4-H is to assist all youth ages 5-18 in acquiring knowledge, developing leadership and life skills while forming attitudes that will enable them to become self-directing, productive and contributing members of their families and communities.

Fairfield County UConn Extension Center
67 Stony Hill Road
Bethel, CT 06801
Emily Picard, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development, emily.picard@uconn.edu
Litchfield County UConn Extension Center
843 University Drive
Torrington, CT 06790 860-626-6240
William Davenport, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development, william.davenport@uconn.edu
New Haven County UConn Extension Center
305 Skiff Street
North Haven, CT 06473 203-407-3161
Halie Shea, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development, halie.shea@uconn.edu
Tolland County UConn Extension Center
24 Hyde Avenue
Vernon, CT 06066 860-875-3331
Maryann Fusco-Rollins, Program Coordinator, 4-H Youth Development, maryann.fusco@uconn.edu
Hartford County UConn Extension Center
Exchange Building - Suite 262
270 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06032
Jennifer Cushman, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development, jennifer.cushman@uconn.edu
Middlesex County UConn Extension Center
1066 Saybrook Road
Haddam, CT 06438 860-345-4511
Emily Alger, Program Coordinator, 4-H Youth Development, emily.alger@uconn.edu
New London County UConn Extension Center
562 New London Turnpike
Norwich , CT 06360 860-887-1608
Marc Cournoyer, Program Coordinator, 4-H Youth Development, marc.cournoyer@uconn.edu
Windham County UConn Extension Center
139 Wolf Den Road
Brooklyn, CT 06234 860-774-9600
Bonnie Kegler, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development, bonnie.kegler@uconn.edu
State Administration Office
Cooperative Extension System
College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources
1376 Storrs Road
Storrs, CT 06269-4134
- Dr. Amy Harder, Associate Dean & Associate Director, UConn Extension, amy.harder@uconn.edu, 860-486-6270
- Bonnie E. Burr, Department Head, UConn Extension, bonnie.burr@uconn.edu, 860-486-8944
- State 4-H Program Coordinator, 4-H@uconn.edu, 860-486-9228
- Stacey Stearns, Communications Specialist, stacey.stearns@uconn.edu, 860-486-9228
- Stacey Lackman, Administrative Assistant, UConn Extension, stacey.lackman@uconn.edu, 860-486-3581