Annual 4-H Event Calendar
State 4-H Events
State 4-H Sheep Project Clinic
Held in odd-numbered years in the spring at the University of Connecticut, Storrs campus, this event is open to New England 4-H members, leaders and parents as well. There are separate workshop tracks for juniors and seniors. Learn more about evaluating sheep, meat and carcass evaluation, health care, working with wool and participate in a skill-a-thon and quiz bowl.
4-H Dairy & Beef Day
Annual event held in March at the UConn Storrs campus. Dairy & Beef Day is open to any 4-H member interested in learning about dairy and beef animals. It features an opening general session followed by hands-on, workshops on topics such as feed, animal health, dairy products, artificial insemination, what the digestive tract looks like, judging, etc.
UConn 4-H Goat Day
Held in even numbered years at the University of Connecticut, Storrs campus in early April. The program is designed for enrolled UConn 4-H'ers ages 7-18, parents and 4-H leaders. Examples of workshops include showmanship and dairy goat judging, goat nutrition, Mastitis testing for dairy goats, cheese making, soap making, safe milk handling, fun activities and door prizes as well.
State 4-H Horse Communications Contests
This contest is held annually and provides 4-H members the opportunity to present in one of 3 categories, public speaking, team demonstration or individual presentation. All presentations must in some way relate to horses or the horse industry. Contests are held on three levels, novice, junior and senior, with senior participants who win being given the possible opportunity to compete on the regional and national levels.
State 4-H Horse Academic Contests
Horsebowl - This "jeopardy" like contest gives 4-H members the opportunity to test their quick recall knowledge on various project related questions.
Hippology - This multi-phase contest challenges 4-H members to compete in horse judging, written exam, station identification, slide identification and team problem solving and presentation.
Horse Judging - 4-H members will have the opportunity to judge multiple classes of live horse then give oral reasons to compete for team and individual scores.
Contests are held on three levels, novice, junior and senior, with senior participants who win being given the possible opportunity to then compete on the regional and national levels.
Giddy Up Games
Statewide event where participants compete in small horse-related games to challenge their equine knowledge and skills. There will be prizes in multiple categories and lots of fun.
Horsin' in Stride Workshop Day
Offered annually in the winter, this event gives Horse project 4-H members the opportunity to do round robin workshops on varied subject matter pertaining to horses. Presenters come from both industry and graduate and undergraduate students in the UConn Equine Science Program. There is often an adult volunteer training track as well.
State 4-H Horse Show
Statewide 4-H Horse Show for UConn 4-H members showing their verified horse project.
4-H Public Presentation Finals
The 4-H Public Speaking Program provides an opportunity for 4-H'ers to develop poise and self confidence while speaking about what's important to them. 4-H'ers prepare an original speech or visual presentation on any topic. The State 4-H Public Presentation Contest is the culmination of the local public presentation events held at the county level. There are three tiers to the UConn 4-H Public Speaking Contest. Level I takes place at the county level and includes senior, junior, novice and Explorer age groups. Participation in the Novice and Explorer age groups is only available at the county level. Categories include Speech, Visual Presentation and Team Presentation. Level II is the State Qualifier Contest which is conducted virtually via Zoom or WebEx. The top four scorers from each division of the Level II contest qualify to compete at the Level III contest. The Level III State Finals take place in person on the last Saturday in March at the UConn Storrs campus.
UConn 4-H Expressive Arts Day
UConn 4-H Expressive Arts day is an exciting one-day event providing participants with the opportunity to celebrate the 4-H expressive arts in Connecticut. The event includes the 4-H Fashion Revue, the 4-H Photography & Art Contest, and the 4-H Textile Arts Contest. Workshops and an awards program complete the day. All youth and adult participants must register and pay a registration fee.
4-H Fashion Revue
4-H'ers (ages 7-19) are invited to participate in the Fashion Revue at Connecticut Expressive Arts Day. This is your opportunity to participate with a garment that you make or one that you select. Junior 4-H members (ages 7-12 as of January 1 of the current program year) may choose to make any garment including pants, skirt, pajamas, etc. or a complete outfit depending on their sewing skill level. They may also choose to take part in the Smart Shopper Consumer Education Project by selecting an outfit and completing the required notebook. Senior 4-H members (ages 13 and over as of January 1 of the current program year) who wish to be considered for the State 4-H Fashion Revue Court of Honor must complete one of two categories; a sewn project that is a complete outfit or a consumer education project.
Incredible Creations:
Evaluation Form - Sewn Outfits
Evaluation Form Court of Honor - Sewn Outfits
Smart Shopper:
Smart Shopper Workbook
UConn 4-H Photography and Art Contests
The contest is open to all registered UConn 4-H members, ages 7-19. Membership in a 4-H photography project or expressive arts project is not required. There are two separate divisions for each contest that may be entered - Junior ages 7-12 or Senior ages 13-19. There are three categories for both the Photography and Art Contests. Individuals may submit one item per category for each contest. Photography entries are due to the State 4-H Office by the February deadline. Photography entries are displayed at the UConn 4-H Expressive Arts Day event. Art entries must be brought to the Expressive Arts Day event in March for judging no later than 9:30 a.m. Ribbons are distributed at UConn 4-H Expressive Arts Day.
4-H Textile Arts Contest
The Textile Arts Exhibit is open to all registered UConn 4-H members, ages 7-19 and takes place at UConn 4-H Expressive Arts Day. Exhibits must be brought to the event and entered no later than 9:30 a.m. on the morning of Expressive Arts Day. Categories include: Quilt, Quilted wall hanging or quilted article; knitted article; crocheted article; needlework article such as Crewel, Counted Cross Stitch or Needlepoint; Sewn Accessory (purse, hat, tote bag, pillow, etc.); macrame; woven article; felting (sewn or knit or crocheted article that has been felted); article that is spun, knit crocheted or woven and finished from roving by the exhibitor. Exhibits must have been made by the 4-H member since the previous year's Expressive Arts Day.
State 4-H Citizenship Day
Youth observe state government by participating in workshops at the state Capitol as well as meeting with legislators and other government officials. Workshops may include holding mock debates and votes on a selected topic of interest to teens. Held annually in April, for ages 12-18. Teens are invited to be on a planning committee for this event.
Fall Festival at the 4-H Education Center at Auer Farm
The 4-H Education Center at Auer Farm in Bloomfield invites families of all ages to their annual Fall Festival in early October. Explore the barns, corn maze, fields and gardens, meet the animals, take a hayride, paint a pumpkin. Enjoy food, live music, face painting and puppet shows. See displays and demonstrations from 4-H programs, sample the children's activities and take a hike around the farm. More than 10,000 children visit the farm each year for hands-on education programs learning how agriculture affects their daily lives.
UConn 4-H Adventures in STEM Conference
Exciting hands-on workshops in science, technology, engineering and math for youth ages 12-18. Participants get to experience the UConn Storrs campus and have lunch in a university dormitory cafeteria. Held annually in November.
Regional 4-H Events
Southern New England 4-H Poultry Show and Showmanship Contest
Annual event held in the spring at the University of Connecticut, Storrs campus. This event is open to 7-19 year olds with a limit of three birds per exhibitor. Please see web site for details including registration form.
New England 4-H Dog Clinic
The New England 4-H Dog Clinic is a one-day event which is open to all registered 4-H Dog Project members 9-18 years of age and their registered 4-H project dog. This interactive workshop day provides an opportunity for 4-H dog project members to further develop project skills in dog showmanship and obedience as well as to gain new knowledge in areas such as grooming, agility, general dog knowledge and careers. 4-H dog project youth members from all New England States are invited to attend this event annually in May. Enrollment in the New England 4-H Dog Clinic is limited to 30 participants.
New England 4-H Horse Contests
Held annually in October, winning equine academic horse teams are given the opportunity to compete on a regional level. This event is usually held in New Hampshire and requires qualification at the state level for participation. Contest opportunities include Hippology, Communications, Horsebowl and Horse Judging.
New England 4-H Horse Judges School
This weekend-long event is offered every other year with the goal of training 4-H volunteers and graduating 4-H members how to become 4-H Horse Show judges. The location of this event moves between northern and southern New England. Application fees and rulebook knowledge testing are required.
4-H Programs at Eastern States Exposition
Youth 4-H members ages 12 and over have opportunities to participate in 4-H livestock programs as well as non-animal programs at Eastern States Exposition. Each animal program has its own criteria for delegate selection and age; see Connecticut selection criteria below. Applications, and in some cases, tryouts are required for selection as a delegate. Delegates represent UConn 4-H in their animal project area in livestock competitions held at Eastern States Exposition during The Big E. Opportunities to participate in the New England Center for non-animal activities are also available during The Big E. 4-H clubs can demonstrate a variety of activities. Opportunities are also available to perform a talent or demonstrate a skill on the stage in the New England Center.
Connecticut Selection Criteria
National 4-H Events
Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup
This is the national culminating activity for senior (14-19 year old) state winners of the eligible Academic Horse Contests and Horse Speaking Contests. The Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup is traditionally held in Louisville, KY in early November. Winning teams are responsible for a portion of their expenses. You must be a registered 4-H volunteer to enter a team or individual on the state level in contests. Interested coaches who are not 4-H volunteers should contact their local 4-H office for more information.
In order to be considered for any of the opportunities listed below, teens must complete and return the UConn 4-H Recognition Form to their local 4-H Office by the due date issued by that local 4-H Office. A selection process of all those submitting forms occurs first at the county level; those recommended proceed to a state level evaluation which includes an interview and application review process. Candidates selected for these opportunities will then be contacted by the State 4-H Office.
Citizenship Washington Focus
CWF provides an opportunity for selected Connecticut teen delegates to visit Washington, D.C. to learn more about our national government through workshops, meetings with national legislators, and with other teens from throughout the country. Teens must be ages 15-18, and complete a UConn 4-H Recognition Form by the County turn-in date. Held every other year during June or July. Delegates are responsible for part of the cost.
CWF Web Site
National 4-H Congress
Teens ages 14-18 (on January 1 of the current program year) may apply to become a Connecticut State Delegate to this leadership forum. Youth delegates are exposed to current leadership, philosophy and research in critical areas such as agriculture, environment, community, families, youth and children and communications and technology. Teens participate in a variety of hands-on workshops as well as other interactive events. Candidates must complete the UConn 4-H Recognition Form by their county's May due date each year. Those applicants who are recommended then complete an interview process. This is a UConn 4-H award trip; all trip expenses are paid by the UConn 4-H Program*.
National 4-H Conference
Teens ages 15-18 (on January 1 of the current program year) may apply for this Connecticut State 4-H Award trip by completing the UConn 4-H Recognition Form and returning it to their county 4-H Office by the required December due date. This conference raises the youth voice around issues and concerns facing youth in communities, provides opportunities for youth and adults to work cooperatively around real issues, and gives delegates the opportunity to help provide ideas for future 4-H program directions. This is a UConn 4-H award trip; all trip expenses are paid by the UConn 4-H Program*.
National 4-H Dairy Conference
Teens 15-18 (on January 1 of the current program year) involved in the dairy or dairy goat projects may apply for this conference by completing the UConn 4-H Recognition Form by their county's May deadline. Those nominated at a county level go on to a statewide interview process. Those selected as delegates will travel to Madison, WI in September to meet with youth and adults from approximately thirty-five states. The conference provides an opportunity for youth to meet with members of the dairy industry and develop a better understanding of the production and marketing of dairy products as well as provide a broad understanding of careers available in the dairy industry.
4-H Members interested in applying for both National 4-H Congress and National 4-H Conference may do so. Priority will be given however, to youth who have not had the opportunity to attend a national 4-H event.
*costs paid for by the UConn 4-H Program do not include State Night Out, t-shirts, personal expenses, and extra night's stay.