UConn 4-H Holiday Card Contest
Calling all UConn 4-H members! Submit your design, the winning entry will be mailed to households across Connecticut on our holiday greeting card.
Enrolled UConn 4-H members ages 7-18 as of January 1, 2025 are invited to design a holiday card or submit a photo for UConn 4-H. One design or photo will be used for a holiday card to be sent to 4-H supporters to express our gratitude and well wishes. The three winners (first place and two runners up) will receive prizes from UConn 4-H.
Submit entries at below by Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 5:00 PM.
Contact 4-H@uconn.edu with any questions.
- All entries must be the member’s original creation or photograph, no larger than 5x7in or 7x5in. Photos can be sent as a high-resolution (1000 kb or larger) file.
- 4-H'ers are asked to submit greeting and design entries for a one (1) to four (4) sided design that can be included on a postcard or folded card.
- All drawing/art entries should include 4-H in some capacity. The official 4-H clover is allowed.
- All entries must be colorful, so they can be reproduced on the card.
- All entries should be inclusive of all holidays and not specific to any particular one. Sentiments such as “Happy Holidays,” “Warmest Holiday Greetings,” “Season’s Greetings,” and similar are encouraged.
- Each entry must be submitted through the submission form below as a PDF or image file (JPG, GIF, PNG).
- NOTE: Be sure to have the entry completed before starting the submission. Uploading a PDF or image file of the entry is required to complete submission.
- Only digital copies through the entry form below will be accepted.
- NOTE: Handmade entries (painting, drawing, etc.) can be created as long as a high-quality picture is uploaded so that we can adequately judge and easily reproduce a digital version.
- Youth can enter multiple designs or photos, but a youth may only be selected a winner once.
- If any of the above rules are not followed, the entry may be disqualified.
- UConn 4-H reserves the right to modify the entry for final printing.