2025 UConn 4-H Expressive Arts Day

2025 UConn 4-H Expressive Arts Day

UConn 4-H Expressive Arts Day will be held on Saturday, March 15th at the Litchfield County Extension Center and the Five Points Art Center, 843 University Drive in Torrington. This exciting one-day event will include the 4-H Fashion Review, Talent Show, Story Telling, Photography, Art and Textile Arts Contest. Workshops and an awards program are also part of this day. Registration is $15 per person. Please review the guidelines for each of the contests you can enter. Please note photography entries are due by February 24th to Maryann Fusco-Rollins with registration.  All other general registration is due by March 3rd. Art and Textile Arts entries are brought to the event on March 15th for judging.

General Overview

On-line registration and workshop selection

2025 Workshop Descriptions

Fashion Review Guidelines

Smart Shopper Workbook

Sewn Outfit Judging Form

Art Contest Guidelines

Photography Contest Guidelines

Textile Arts Contest Guidelines

Textile Arts Information Sheet


9:00 a.m. Registration
Senior Fashion Revue evaluations for Court of Honor begins at 9:15 am

9:30 a.m. Opening Announcements

9:45-10:45 Session I
• Workshops
Participants will be asked to sign up for their workshops on-line when they register.  A variety of interesting and fun workshops are available. See description in link above Limited number of spots in ech workshop. Not all workshops offered both sessions and are subject to change.

11:00-noon Session II
• Fashion Revue modeling workshop for all Fashion Revue participants
• Some workshops repeated for those not in Fashion Revue

12:15-1:00 Lunch and tours

1:00-3:00 Closing Ceremonies and Awards Program
This portion of the event includes the 4-H Fashion Revue, Talent Show and Storytelling along with award presentations and closing announcements

UConn 4-H Public Presentation Finals

The 4-H Public Speaking Program provides an opportunity for 4-H’ers to develop poise and self-confidence while speaking about what’s important to them.   4-H’ers prepare an original speech or visual presentation on any topic.   The State 4-H Public Presentation Contest is the culmination of the local public presentation events held at the county level.   There are three tiers to the UConn 4-H Public Speaking Contest.  Level I takes place at the county level and includes senior, junior, novice and Explorer age groups.  Participation in the Novice and Explorer age groups is only available at the county level.  Categories include Speech, Visual Presentation and Team Presentation.  Level II is the State Qualifier Contest which is conducted virtually via Zoom or WebEx.  The top four scorers from each division of the Level II contest qualify to compete at the Level III contest. The Level III State Finals take place in person during the month of March at the UConn Storrs campus.


Novice: Speech, Team Presentation, Visual Presentation

Junior: Speech, Team Presentation, Visual Presentation

Senior: Speech, Team Presentation, Visual Presentation




Environmental Skill-A-Thon 

UConn 4-H Environmental Skill-A-Thon 

Kellogg Environmental Education Center – 500 Hawthorne Ave, Derby, CT 06418

Saturday, January 11, 2025- 9:00am to 1:30pm

Registration Deadline: January 3, 2025

Brought to you by UConn 4-H and Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection 

Each youth MUST have a chaperone to supervise & support them. If a parent/guardian will not be accompanying a youth participant to UConn 4-H Environmental Skill-A-Thon, the adult accompanying each youth must have a 4-H Member Health Form in their possession signed by the youth’s parent/guardian. The Health Form is available at s.uconn.edu/4hhealthform. Due to the short lunch break, participants should pre-order a box lunch or bring a nut-free lunch. 


This event is open to all youth ages 7-18, however many workshops will be suited for  junior members (ages 7-12). 

Environmental Science Day will take place this spring and will be more suited towards senior members.  

Registration Deadline: January 3, 2025 

Register early as sessions may fill. There is no guarantee that participants will receive their first session choice. 

Follow this link to register: s.uconn.edu/environmentalskillathon 

See complete schedule below. 

Participation Cost  

Each youth participant will be charged a small fee to cover the cost of materials 

  • $10 for currently enrolled 4-H members & Envirothon participants  
  • $15 for non 4-H members 
  • Adult chaperones are free to attend 


Youth participants and adult chaperones will have the option to purchase a boxed lunch during registration or pack their own nut-free lunches. Each lunch will be an additional cost of $12.00 


January 11, 2024, 9:00 A.M.-1:30 P.M.  

9:00 A.M. – 9:15 A.M. Registration check-in 

9:15 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. Opening Announcements 

9:30 A.M. – 12:45 P.M. Rotating Workshops every 45 minutes (4 workshops) 

  Option 1  Option 2  Option 3 
  Classroom 1  Classroom 2  Lobby 
Workshop 1 


Paper Making  Animal Enrichment 

CT Beardsley Zoo 


Rocks and Fossils  
Workshop 2 



What Makes a Bug?   Animal Enrichment 

CT Beardsley Zoo 


Bird House Building 
Workshop 3 



Wildlife Identification: Pelts, Skulls, and Scat 



Elizabeth Merrow, CT Forest and Parks Association 


Workshop 4 



Microscopes in Nature  Birding for Beginners!   


Hike & Explore the Kellog Center  


12:45 P.M. – 1:05 P.M. Lunch 

1:05 P.M. – 1:25 P.M. 4-H Member Sharing Time 

1:25 P.M. Cleanup 

Please contact Halie Shea (halie.shea@uconn.edu) or Emily Picard at (emily.picard@uconn.edu),  

if you have questions.  

Building a Ready Generation in a World of Change

4-H clover and Beyond Ready text

UConn 4-H equips youth with skills for the future while meeting them where they are today. We craft programs to enable youth to thrive and build confidence and resiliency based on lessons learned through years of research on positive youth development. UConn 4-H offers opportunities and experiences that develop youth into their full, authentic selves, enabling them to shine both now and in the future.

Thanks to the generous support of donors like you, UConn 4-H members have found their spark through 4-H programming. As a result of your support, youth have developed leadership skills by participating in national 4-H trips to Washington, DC; learned more about our state’s governance through 4-H Citizenship Day at the Connecticut State Capitol, demonstrated their creativity through Expressive Arts Day, and – sometimes – literally created sparks while engaging in hands-on STEM learning. Donor funds also supported 4-H skills trainings, such as the recent workshops leading to the certification of 29 volunteers, 11 youth, and 21 4-H camp staff in CPR, another way we live out our commitment to providing safe environments for learning.

Donate during 4-H Giving Week, October 6-12, to help us reach our goal of 400 donors for 4-H, so more youth here in Connecticut can be beyond ready for tomorrow.

Please help us grow the legacy impact supported by our Endowed 4-H Centennial Fund at s.uconn.edu/4hcentennial  or make a gift to the 4-H Development fund to support immediate needs at s.uconn.edu/4hdevelopment

New England 4-H Dog Clinic

The New England 4-H Dog Clinic will be held on Saturday, May 4, 2024 at the Tolland Agricultural Center in Vernon, CT from 9am to 1pm.  Check in starts at 8am.  Registration fee is $15.00.  Registration is due by May 1st.  Mailed registration must be postmarked by April 29th.  No same day registration.

Event Flyer

2024 UConn 4-H Livestock Judging Schedule

UConn 4-H Livestock Judging Schedule

The following practices are open to any fully enrolled 4-H Youth, of all ability levels. Please come prepared to take notes and dress for spending time in a barn.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Judging practice at Katie Adkins – Beef Cattle
44 Minor Road, Terryville, CT 06786

Tuesday, April 30, 2024 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
UConn Heifer Barn – Beef Cattle and Sheep
Horsebarn Hill Road, Storrs, CT 06268
(drive pass the milking parlor to the bottom of the hill)

Tuesday, May 28, 2024 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
To be determined

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
To be determined

Practices will be held to allow 4-H members to develop skills in, placing classes, presenting oral reasons, without notes, and interpreting performance data. You will need to demonstrate
competency to be considered for the Connecticut 4-H Livestock Judging Team that competes in Louisville in November 2024.
Questions ? Contact bonnie.kegler@uconn.edu

2024 UConn 4-H Citizenship Day

This event is open to all youth 12-18 years old. Adults are welcome to attend to assist throughout the day with needed volunteer tasks. Register now by completing and returning the registration form. Registration is $15 until 3/20/24. After that date the fee goes up to $20. Registration fee includes lunch, UConn 4-H polo shirt and program materials.

Each day, 4-H youth use skills learned through their project work. We will explore those tools used by 4-H members and how we can put them to work in everyday school settings. Tools like financial literacy, public speaking, healthy eating and civic engagement. We will look at 4-H workforce readiness skills and how we can apply those skills toward academic success.
Please call 860-885-2824 at least two weeks prior to the event if special accommodations are needed.

Poster Contest
Within our projects, 4-H focuses on Head, Heart, Hands and Health. How do you use what you learned in 4-H in other areas of your life like school? Create a poster to share with others. Prizes for the best displays.

UConn 4-H Citizenship Day Flyer

Registration Form

2024 UConn 4-H Dairy Judging Tour Schedule

The 2024 UConn 4-H Dairy Judging Farm tours will be held on the last Thursday of each month, from February through May, with the UConn 4-H State Judging Contest being held at the CT Holstein Show at Goshen Fairgrounds on June 29th.

Trainings will be provided throughout the spring to be able to prepare several interested members to compete in the UConn 4-H State Dairy Judging Contest in June. We then will work with the top 6-8 placing members over the summer to prepare our new UConn 4-H Dairy Judging Team to compete at the Big E and Louisville this fall, then then on to Madison to the World Dairy Expo in 2025. The following tours are open to any fully enrolled and interested 4-H youth to attend. Please bring something to write on (clipboard with paper) and a pen. Disposable plastic boots will be provided. There is no need to register ahead of time, just come to any or all you can and learn how to judge dairy cows and heifers!


2024 UConn 4-H Dairy Judging Tour Schedule


Thursday, February 29, 2024, 6:30 pm to 8 pm: Judging Practice at Kingswood Farm, Anne Ennis, 289 Providence Rd., Brooklyn, CT 06234


Thursday, March 28, 2024, 7 pm to 8:30 pm: Judging Practice at Birch Mill Farm, the Tim and Katlyn Kinsella, 185 Belden Street, Falls Village, CT 06031 


Thursday, April 25, 2024, 7 pm to 8:30 pm: Judging Practice at Millborne Farm, Dr. Morey Miller, 264 N Granby Rd, Granby,  CT  06035-1301


Thursday, May 30, 2024, 7 pm to 8:30 pm: Judging Practice at Smyths Trinity Farm, The Dugas Family, 4 Oliver Rd, Enfield, CT 06082


Saturday, June 29, 2024, 6 pm: UConn 4-H State Dairy Judging Contest at the CT Holstein Show, Goshen Fairgrounds, 116 Old Middle St., Goshen, CT 06756


And a special thanks to all of these hard-working dairy farmers for opening up their barns to us!


Please remember that on Saturday, February 24th, at the UConn 4-H Nutrition and Food Show, there is an added competition for Grilled Cheese and Milkshake Contests. The winners of these contests will be invited to be the UConn 4-H Grilled Cheese and Milkshake Teams at the 2024 New England 4-H Dairy Program at the Big E.