2025 UConn 4-H Expressive Arts Day
UConn 4-H Expressive Arts Day will be held on Saturday, March 15th at the Litchfield County Extension Center and the Five Points Art Center, 843 University Drive in Torrington. This exciting one-day event will include the 4-H Fashion Review, Talent Show, Story Telling, Photography, Art and Textile Arts Contest. Workshops and an awards program are also part of this day. Registration is $15 per person. Please review the guidelines for each of the contests you can enter. Please note photography entries are due by February 24th to Maryann Fusco-Rollins with registration. All other general registration is due by March 3rd. Art and Textile Arts entries are brought to the event on March 15th for judging.
On-line registration and workshop selection
Photography Contest Guidelines
Textile Arts Contest Guidelines
Textile Arts Information Sheet
9:00 a.m. Registration
Senior Fashion Revue evaluations for Court of Honor begins at 9:15 am
9:30 a.m. Opening Announcements
9:45-10:45 Session I
• Workshops
Participants will be asked to sign up for their workshops on-line when they register. A variety of interesting and fun workshops are available. See description in link above Limited number of spots in ech workshop. Not all workshops offered both sessions and are subject to change.
11:00-noon Session II
• Fashion Revue modeling workshop for all Fashion Revue participants
• Some workshops repeated for those not in Fashion Revue
12:15-1:00 Lunch and tours
1:00-3:00 Closing Ceremonies and Awards Program
This portion of the event includes the 4-H Fashion Revue, Talent Show and Storytelling along with award presentations and closing announcements