UConn 4-H Infographic

UConn 4-H is the youth development program of Extension in UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources. 4-H is a community of over six million young people across the U.S. who are learning Science, Technology, Engineering andMath (STEM), leadership, citizenship and life skills through their 4-H project work. 

4-H provides youth with the opportunity to develop lifelong skills including civic engagement and healthy living. Programs are based in all eight Connecticut counties with clubs, after school programs, and other opportunities. 

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UConn 4-H Best Practices for In-Person Activities During COVID-19

The health and safety of all 4-H members, volunteers, parents/guardians, guest, and staff is the
top priority of the UConn 4-H Program. To help reduce the risks associated with the spread of
COVID-19, the following guidelines from the State of Connecticut and the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC) shall be followed to protect yourself and others.

To help safeguard the health and safety of our members and volunteers, the following guidelines
need to be followed for all 4-H meetings.

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Virtual Connections Best Practices

Virtual connections can help us all stay engaged in 4-H during this time of social distancing and may be a way to strengthen networking and sharing in the months and years to come. Below are options and guidance for you to connect with your 4-H clubs and groups, continue your annual club plans, work and share 4-H project progress, conduct demonstrations and continue learning.