Bonnie Kegler
Windham County 4-H Educator
139 Wolf Den Road
Brooklyn, CT 06234
(860) 774-9600
County Resources
- January 27- Windham County 4-H Food Show
- January 11, 2024- 4-H Fair Association Meeting starts at 6:30
- February 3- CT 4-H Sheep Day, UConn Storrs
- February 10- Windham County 4-H Public Speaking and Demonstration Contest
- March 9- CT 4-H Dairy/ Beef Day, UConn, Storrs
- April 6- CT 4-H Goat Day, UConn, Storrs
4-H Fair
4-H Fair
The Windham County 2023 4-H Fair took place July 26-28, 2024 at the Brooklyn Fairgrounds on Rt. 169 in Brooklyn, CT. The fair is an opportunity for 4-Hers to come together to showcase animal related and other types of projects they have worked on throughout the year. 4-Hers compete in assorted competitive events receiving ribbons, trophies and other prizes for their efforts.
The fair is organized by a team of 4-H youth and adult advisors who do everything from sell space to oversee all the weekend's various events and activities. All 4-H members from Windham County are invited and encouraged to participate in the fair and Windham County Fair Association. The Fair Association normally meets the second Thursday of each month at 6:30pm at the Windham County Extension Center in Brooklyn, CT. These meetings are open to all enrolled Windham County 4-H members, leaders and parents.
We are always looking for community partners, vendors, entertainers and others who would be interested in helping to make the fair a wholesome, enjoyable event for the whole family. Call Bonnie Kegler: 860-774-9600 or email bonnie.kegler@uconn.edu for more information.
Windham County 4-H Fairbook
Upcoming events and more
4-H News You Can Use
Sheep Day
2024 UConn 4-H Sheep Day
Saturday, February 3rd, 2024 - 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Ratcliffe Hicks Arena - UConn Storrs, CT
Designed for youth ages 7-18, parents/guardians and leaders.
Join 4-H
Join 4-H
Youth interest form