Hartford County

banner of 4-H programs


Jennifer Cushman

Hartford County 4-H Educator

Exchange Building - Suite 262

Building 4

270 Farmington Avenue

Farmington, CT, 06032


(860) 409-9050

Connect with Us on Social Media

Jen Cushman

County Resources



July 1: 4-H Volunteer Award Nominations Due

July 1: Hartford County 4-H Fair Association Scholarship Due

July 9: UConn 4-H CPR & AED Training - Hartford County

July 15: UConn 4-H CPR & AED Training - Tolland County

July 19: Hartford County 4-H Fair Association Meeting - 7 PM 

August 11-19: Hartford County 4-H Fair Work Week

August 11: Ice Cream Social - 2:30 - 3:30 PM

August 11: Steward/Superintendent Meeting - 4 PM

August 11: Officer/Advisor Meeting - 5 PM

August 15: Hartford County Advisory Auction Items can be dropped at Fair

August 16-18: Hartford County 4-H Fair

August 31: 2024 UConn Hartford County 4-H Advisory Committee Award Program Due

October 18:  Deadline for recognition form for Ignite by 4-H

December 20: Deadline for Spring 2025 recognition form for National 4-H Conference 


4-H clover

    Service Awards

    Service Awards
         Recommendations deadline is now JUNE 15th

  • Bailey Fund Grant
  • Volunteer Spotlight Questions
  • Hartford County Fair Association Scholarship
  • Hartford County 4-H Fair Association


    Hartford County 4-H Fair Association

    Hartford County Meetings are held on the third Friday of every month, except August, September, and October.

    Attend a Hartford County 4-H Fair Association Meeting to learn more about the fair, provide input in planning and participate in the planning process.  Save the date for these upcoming meetings and check your newsletter for more details.

    July 19th

    4-H Fair

    Friday, August 16th 8 AM - 10 PM

    Saturday, August 17th 8 AM - 10 PM

    Sunday, August 18th 8 AM - 5 PM

    Record Books

    Record Books

    UConn 4-H Record Book Materials: https://4-h.extension.uconn.edu/record-book-materials/

    4-H Education Center at Auerfarm



    Inspire children and adults to engage in, learn about, and enjoy agriculture, science, and the natural environment.

    Upcoming Events:


    March 4th – Pancake Breakfast
    March 18-19 – CT Maple Weekend
    June 23rd – Party in Plaid
    July 23rd – Blueberry Jam
    October 14th – Fall Festival

    Visit Our Website to Learn More

    Hartford County 4-H Camp


    Visit our Website


    CAMP DATES 2023

    Session Dates
    Bring Your Own Horse Camp June 18 - June 24
    Mini Camp June 21 - June 22
    Week 1 June 25 - July 1
    Week 2 July 2 - July 8
    Week 3 July 9 - July 15
    Week 4 July 16 - July 22
    Week 5 July 23 - July 29
    Week 6 July 30 - August 5
    Week 7 August 6 - August 12


    Enroll in 4-H Using Z Suite

    Enroll in 4-H Using Z Suite

    The Z Suite Enrollment System for UConn 4-H families and volunteers is now open.

    Z Suite Enrollment System

    Guidelines for In-Person Activities (Updated)

    Guidelines for In-Person Activities (Updated)

    -All 4-H activities must adhere to local and state guidelines as well as those of UConn. 

    -REMEMBER: Six foot spacing and masks are required indoors, highly recommended outdoors!

    *Please email the 4-H Office prior to planning activities to obtain updates on current restrictions.

    REMINDER: Prior to ALL in-person 4-H activities, signed safety plans MUST be emailed to the 4-H Office for review. 
    UConn Extension has developed a safety plan. This document references various aspects of planning that you need to be cognizant of as you re-engage in face to face programming. Where the plan asks for a faculty or staff member, you as a registered 4-H volunteer may list your name. You are encouraged to work with 4-Hers to complete the form. 

    A completed copy of this form needs to be submitted to the 4-H Office and kept on file with each club/4-H group in case there is a positive. Please note it is critical that a list of all individuals present are recorded on an attendance sheet. This includes speakers, family members, volunteers, etc. 

    Please email Jennifer Cushman with any questions. In accordance with University guidelines, we continue to work remotely. 

    UConn Hartford County 4-H Advisory Committee Award Program

    UConn Hartford County 4-H Advisory Committee Award Program

    A variety of awards, including county medals, county recognition certificates, the Judith Ferry Award, the Hartford County Unsung Hero Award, Friend of 4-H Award, and Exceptional Service Award, are available to 4-H volunteers and 4-H youth members.
    Forms & More Information

    UConn Robotics

    UConn Robotics

    Record keeping is an important part of the 4-H experience. 4-H members are encouraged to keep records as part of their leadership experience. They present a picture of their growth and development as a 4-H member. With this in mind a new 4-H robotics record sheet has been created to help 4-H robotics members keep track of their activities, awards and goals.  Record books come in handy as you begin to apply for awards such as National Honor Society and apply for college.  We hope you will give them a try. Please note that in order to be considered for 4-H medals, awards, and national trips, you must complete the robotics record sheet and pair it with the yearly project record.  If you have any questions, please contact your local 4-H educator. 

    4-H Volunteer Reminders

    Verification & Lease Forms
    Lease and verification forms for 2020 have been updated. Please visit https://4-h.extension.uconn.edu/forms/ for updated forms in word and pdf. 

    Club Field Trips

    Traveling out of state or overnight? As you prepare for your travel, there are three documents needed in the 4-H Office for overnight/out of state travel:
    The first two items are requested two weeks prior to the trip/as soon as qualification is determined.

    1) Itinerary with locations and names of all attendees
    2) Completed Risk Management Plan 
    3) Completed UConn 4-H Health Forms, carried by authorized 4-H Volunteer traveling with youth and returned to 4-H Office post-trip.

    Risk Management Planning Guide
    If you have any additional adults who will be chaperoning, please let us know ASAP, to allow for ample time for screening. Please keep in mind that a registered 4-H volunteer must be in each vehicle if transportation is provided as part of the club activity.

    If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact the 4-H Office.

    UConn Hartford County 4-H in the News

    Join 4-H

    Join 4-H

    Youth interest form

    Which county 4-H program do you want to join?
    How did you learn about 4-H?
    Would your parent/guardian be interested in volunteering with UConn 4-H?
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.